1800 100th NE Bellevue, WA 98004

Affording EA

As an independent school, Eastside Academy charges tuition. However, we are committed to serving students regardless of financial need, and EA’s services are generously supported by donations from many individuals and organizations. We are grateful for this support!  

Thanks to this generous support, even Eastside Academy’s highest level of family tuition comes far short of the total cost of services provided. Families are awarded tuition assistance on a sliding scale based on yearly income. For information on EA’s 2024-25 tuition rates, please view the table below.  

The awarding of financial aid and the determination of tuition is completed during the enrollment process. Families who wish to receive financial aid are asked to submit relevant information showing income and significant assets and liabilities (home equity, savings, debt, monthly expenses).  

Admission decisions are made completely independent from the determination of a family’s income and tuition level. In other words, students are not admitted or denied admission based on their ability to pay.  

Our goal is to make the financial aid and tuition process as simple, equitable, and non-invasive as possible while ensuring our ability to serve students and families who can benefit from EA’s program!  

For more information on the determination of financial aid and tuition, please contact Enrollment Specialist Paige Sullivan at paiges@jqhet.com or Director of Advancement Aaron Monts at aaronm@jqhet.com.  

EA EASTSIDE ACADEMY Yearly Tuition cart